General Task - How to use context help - How to use Yahoo! online dictionary - How to execute binary executable file C/C++ Task - How to compile C/C++ source code - How to execute binary executable file Java Task - How to compile Java source code - How to execute Java byte code Perl Task - How to execute Perl script LaTeX Task - How to compile LaTeX document - How to view dvi file with Yap - How to convert dvi file into PostScript with dvips - How to use context help
If you have a help file (*.hlp) or a html help file (*.chm) which explains something based on keyword index, then you can set up user tools to look up keyword you just have typed in without escaping from Crimson Editor.
The following example shows how to set up 'User Tools' to use LaTeX help file.
We assume that you have LaTeX help file (LATEX2E.HLP) in the following directory.
1. Open Preferences dialog box and select User Tools page After that, you can press F1 to see the search index when the caret is on the word you want to look up.
If you want to use online dictionary (Yahoo!: American Heritage) to look-up a word which you have just typed in without escaping from Crimson Editor, then
1. Open Preferences dialog box and select User Tools page After that, you can press Ctrl+F1 to see the dictionary contents when the caret is on the word you want to look up.
If you have finished editing 'test.c', and you already compiled this file into binary executable file named 'test.exe', then you can use user tools to execute this binary file to see the result without escaping from Crimson Editor.
1. Open Preferences dialog box and select User Tools page After that, you can press Ctrl+F5 while editing 'test.c' to execute 'test.exe'.
If you want to learn how to write C/C++ program, you may want to install a C/C++ compiler first of all. Here is a guideline you can follow to install a compiler. In this example, we assume that you install Borland C++ compiler which is free to use. Of course, there are more compilers available (Cygnus, DJGPP for example). It is up to you which compiler to use.
1. Download 'FreeCommandLineTools.exe' from Borland software corporation
If you have finished writing C/C++ program, then you can use user tools to compile this program into binary file without escaping from Crimson Editor. The following example assume that you already installed C++ Builder in 'C:\Borland\BCC55' directory. (ref: How to install C/C++ compiler)
1. Open Preferences dialog box and select User Tools page After that, you can press Ctrl+F7 while editing 'test.c' to compile this source code.
If you want to learn how to write Java program, you need to install Java 2 SDK first of all. Here is a guideline you can follow to install Java 2 SDK.
1. Download Java 2 SDK for Windows from Sun Microsystems homepage.
If you have finished writing Java program, then you can use user tools to compile this program into byte code without escaping from Crimson Editor. The following example assume that you already installed Java 2 SDK in 'C:\jdk1.3.1' directory. (ref: How to install Java 2 SDK)
1. Open Preferences dialog box and select User Tools page After that, you can press Ctrl+F7 while editing '' to compile this source code.
If you have finished editing '', and you already compiled this file into byte code named 'test.class', then you can use user tools to execute this byte code to see the result without escaping from Crimson Editor. The following example assume that you already installed Java 2 SDK in 'C:\jdk1.3.1' directory. (ref: How to install Java 2 SDK)
1. Open Preferences dialog box and select User Tools page After that you can press Ctrl+F5 while editing '' to execute 'test.class'.
If you want to learn how to write Perl script, you need to install Perl interpreter first of all. Here is a guideline you can follow to install Perl interpreter. In this example, we assume that you install ActivePerl which is free to use. Of course there are more Perl interpreters you can use. It is up to you which interpreter to use.
1. Download ActivePerl for Windows from ActiveState Corporation homepage.
If you have finished writing Perl program, then you can use user tools to run this program without escaping from Crimson Editor. The following example assume that you already installed Perl interpreter in 'C:\Perl' directory. (ref: How to install Perl interpreter)
1. Open Preferences dialog box and select User Tools page After that, you can press Ctrl+F5 while editing '' to execute this script.
If you want to learn how to write LaTeX document, you need to install LaTeX compiler first of all. Here is a guideline you can follow to install LaTeX compiler. In this example, we assume that you install MiKTeX which is implementation of TeX and related programs for Windows
1. Download MiKTeX from MiKTeX Project Page.
If you have finished writing LaTeX document, then you can use user tools to compile this document into dvi file without escaping from Crimson Editor. The following example assume that you already installed MiKTeX in 'C:\texmf' directory. (ref: How to install LaTeX compiler)
1. Open Preferences dialog box and select User Tools page After that, you can press Ctrl+F7 while editing 'test.tex' to compile this document.
If you have finished writing LaTeX document, and also have compiled this document into dvi file already, then you can use user tools to view this dvi file with Yap without escaping from Crimson Editor. The following example assume that you already installed MiKTeX in 'C:\texmf' directory. (ref: How to install LaTeX compiler)
1. Open Preferences dialog box and select User Tools page After that, you can press Ctrl+F5 while editing 'test.tex' to view 'test.dvi' with Yap.
If you have a dvi file named 'test.dvi' compiled from 'test.tex', then you can use user tools to convert this file into PostScript file '' without escaping from Crimson Editor. The following example assume that you already installed MiKTeX in 'C:\texmf' directory. (ref: How to install LaTeX compiler)
1. Open Preferences dialog box and select User Tools page After that, you can press F7 while editing 'test.tex' to convert 'test.dvi' into ''.
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